What does it mean to identify with certain styles of parenting?
Let's talk about various approaches, including, but not limited to:
- attachment parenting
- conscious parenting
- playful parenting
- positive parenting
- simplicity parenting
- mindful parenting
- compassionate parenting
We can also incorporate ideas about schooling, feeding, toileting and whatever else comes up. Let's share our passions and learn from each other in a non-judgmental environment.
Special note to community members in the fields of parenting education and counseling:
You are welcome to join to contribute to the discussion. We'd love to hear from you. However, we are not seeking speakers for the evening, and solicitation is prohibited. We will have a place for displaying materials for people to peruse at their leisure, but please refrain from promoting any services during the meeting.
If you are a parenting expert, therapist or other related professional and you are interested in joining in the meeting or sending resources ahead, please contact Jessica at jessicahmnarlalex (at) gmail (dot) com.
As usual, the meeting is 7-9 p.m. at AUMC, 716 S. Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22204.