Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fighting Fevers and the Flu in February

Our first monthly meeting was a lively discussion of influences on the immune system and strategies to deal with illnesses when they do come up. Chiropractor Cindy Durakis addressed nutrition and the role of stress in addition to discussing how structural alignment affects ear issues in particular. Dr. Chris Johnson gave a naturopath's perspective on health, including an overview of homeopathy. Both provided some great resources for folks to take home. We also shared an in-house list of a few favorite remedies and healthful strategies from some members. This and more detailed notes from the meeting will be available to members on our chapter email loop.

One thing we didn't have enough of tonight was time! When we look for a new location for meetings after April, we will for sure try to get a bigger room and make sure to book a full two hours. We could have kept talking well after the library closed, and some folks chatted in the parking lot for over an hour. What a great community! Please join us March 26 for a conversation with Francine Ronis on Mindful Parenting.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Upcoming meeting topics and speakers - February, March & April 2009

Our first three monthly meetings will be in the meeting room of Burke Branch Library in Alexandria (4701 Seminary Road) on the fourth Thursday of the month, 7:15-8:45 p.m.

Topics and speakers are:
February 26, 2009:
“Building Strong Immunity in Cold and Flu Season: Natural Remedies and Prevention Strategies”

Dr. Cindy Durakis, DC, The Chiropractic Associates
Dr. Christopher Johnson, ND, Thrive Naturopathic

March 26:
“Mindful Parenting”

Francine Ronis, LPC, LLC

April 23:
“Holistic Health from the Inside Out: Spring Cleaning for Every Body”

Dr. Tracy Freeman, MD and Deborah McCabe, National Integrated Health Associates

Children are always welcome to attend. There will be light snacks available, and you are free to bring food for you and your children. Most meetings will have some kind of a door prize available to members. Membership forms will be available at all meetings, or you can join online at

We encourage you to check out a meeting before you join to see if this is a community you want to join. If you decide we are a good fit for you, we ask that you then become a member so that you can take advantage of all the benefits of membership.