Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Thirsty? Get the health facts of What's in Your Cup?

We all know it's important to stay hydrated in the summer. But how can the specific beverage in our cup affect our health?

Join us for the second meeting in our Vice or Nice series exploring the goods and bads of caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages. HMN member and holistic health and nutrition coach Christi Flynn of Raia Health will cover the pros and cons of each. Christi will reveal the hidden problems in our beverage choices, best kept secrets to conquering our cravings and shows us how to leverage healthy stimulants to get easy, instant energy without harmful side effects.

Please let others know about this meeting: Caffeine, Cocktails and Carbonation: How to Kick Your Cravings, Upgrade Your Options and Have Boundless Energy To Bounce Through Your Day

See you July 18, 7-9 p.m. at AUMC, 716 S. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA!

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