Dr. Rene Hackney's talk on Tantrums, Whining and Backtalk went on Monday as scheduled even though schools were closed. The trees were sparkling but the roads were clear by the time the meeting started, and it was fun to have a playdate on a slushy morning. We had a great little crowd -- and by little, I mean we were outnumbered by little people who quickly made the Beatley large meeting room their home away from home.
It was a fun morning, and the adults in the room all learned a lot. The children got experience making obstacle courses, coloring and stamping. A good time was had by all. We'd love to do more daytime meetings, so if you're interested in helping coordinate those, let us know!
We'll try to post some notes to our members and might add a few more here once we've recovered from yet another snow day, but to put it in a nutshell:
- The name of the game was consistency. The more consistent you are as a parent, the easier your job will be and the more comfortable your children will be. So pick what kind of protocol you're going to follow and stick with it!
Many thanks to Dr. Rene for joining us even as her daughters were home from school. Dr. Rene's other talks, classes and workshops can be found at
ParentingbyDrRene.com. She'll be back on April 24 in the evening to share with us how sibling relationships and birth order shape our personalities.