Thursday, December 16, 2010
December 16 mtg CANCELED due to snow
Thursday, December 2, 2010
December meetings - daytime now at AUMC 12/9, evening on homeopathy 12/16
We are doing one more trial daytime meeting on Thursday, December 9, 10 a.m. to noon. We'd hoped to meet at an Alexandria library, but there was a scheduling mix-up, so we'll be in Arlington at our regular evening location, AUMC, 716 S. Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22204.
We can discuss whatever is on people's minds. Some folks might want to revisit the November meeting's discussion of "holistic holidays" or talk about craft night and ways to include beauty in our evolving holiday rituals.
Daytime meetings will continue only with volunteer support/coordination. Let us know if you're interested!
The evening meeting this month is "Homeopathy 101" with Dr. Christopher Johnson of Thrive Naturopathic on December 16, 7-9 p.m. at our regular location of AUMC. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Addressing special diets and allergies in January and February
On January 20, 2011, Cheryl Harris of Harris Whole Health will be talking about "Special Diets" including gluten-free, dairy-free, the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and other special diets. She will focus on the whys of these diets -- how they work, what issues they address -- and will provide some suggestions for trying or sticking to these diets.
On February 17, 2011, Dr. Venus Seleme of Seleme Chiropractic Wellness Center will speak on the topic of "Allergy Elimination," an energetic way to clear or reduce the symptoms of food, chemical and environmental sensitivities without medication. She has a background in N.A.E.T. and Applied Kinesiology.
These presentations are sure to shed light on lots of health concerns and issues of other symptoms, like mood and behavioral disorders.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Preparing for Holistic Holidays
Thank you to Inayet Sahin of Beyond Green Living for helping us think through our priorities for creating "holistic holidays." Inayet shared some wonderful ideas and anecdotes, and we all had the chance to discuss our concerns and hopes around issues of gifting, food, and other traditions.
Inayet's suggestions and some scenarios for consideration are in a handout for members on our Yahoo group.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
November daytime mtg 11/9, evening mtg. 11/18
We're trying out daytime meetings in November and December to see if we want to make it a regular thing! We'll be meeting on Tuesday November 9, 10 a.m. to noon, at Alexandria's Ellen C. Burke Branch Library at 4701 Seminary Rd. (east exit off 395, then left at the light at Library Lane and right into the parking lot. Library is upstairs).
We'll informally recap the October meeting (Living Holistically on a Budget), talk ahead about November's topic of creating meaningful and healthy "Holistic Holidays," or just get to know each other and discuss whatever comes up. Open to all.
We'll have some toys, but please bring a toy if you bring a toy-playing child!
Evening Meeting: November 18 -- Creating "Holistic Holidays"
When the holidays roll around, do you get stressed out thinking about the following:
- How will I keep my family eating healthfully?
- How can I approach gift-giving, celebrating, and decorating in ways that fit my values?
- What are some ways to offer alternatives to family traditions or rituals that give me pause?
At the November 18 Holistic Moms Arlington/Alexandria meeting, we’ll discuss how to create “Holistic Holidays.” Open for discussion will be all aspects of the holidays – food, gifting, decorations, consumerism, traditions – anything that comes up as we approach winter holidays or in relation to birthdays and other celebrations.
Inayet Sahin, founder of Beyond Green Living, will give a presentation and then moderate our discussion and sharing.
Evening meetings are 7-9 p.m. at AUMC (see sidebar)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Thinking seriousy about holistic living and budgeting
Diane pointed out that approxim
Throughout her talk, Diane talked about using the power of the purse to effect change. To use our spending power to make statements that show what we value and will eventually force the marketplace to deliver more products that align with our values. We can also demand more of those products by talking with store managers and letting them know this is what we want.
While Diane has plenty of wonderful tips on her website and in her book for how to stretch a dollar, she also wants us all to think about what we do with that dollar and what the impact is of our purchasing decisions.
Thank you for such a provocative talk, Diane! We hope to get more notes written up soon.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
"Living Holistically on a Budget" Oct. 14 and "Fertility & Acupuncture" Oct. 18
Would you like to live more healthfully and eco-friendly but can't figure out how to fit "natural" choices into your budget?
Come to the October meeting of Holistic Moms Arlington/Alexandria chapter to learn how to stretch your dollar while protecting your body and the planet at the same time.
Our speaker is Diane MacEachern, author of Big Green Purse: Use Your Spending Power to Create a Cleaner, Greener World (and the voice behind The Big Green Purse online resource)
As usual, the meeting is 7-9 p.m. at 716 S. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA, 22204 (in Arlington United Methodist Church)
HMN meetings are open to members and first-time visitors. Children are always welcome. Come see what we're about!
*Please note that this meeting is on the second Thursday of the month instead of our usual third Thursday.
The Arlington/Alexandria chapter of the Holistic Moms Network is not affiliated with any church. However, we do appreciate the generosity of AUMC in hosting our meetings and encourage members and visitors to bring donations of non-perishable food for the church's food pantry, which serves the homeless population in Arlington.
Directions: AUMC is on S. Glebe between S. 7th and S. 8th St., a few blocks north of Columbia Pike, on the west side of the street. Enter the church parking lot from S. Glebe or from S. 7th St. where there is a traffic light (on the north side of church).
Can't make evening meetings? Contact us to inquire about our trial daytime meeting for late Oct./early Nov., date TBD.
Next evening meeting: November 19: "Holistic Holidays" with Inayet Sahin, founder of Beyond Green Living
Please direct any questions to Leigha Sochurek, Arlington/Alexandria Chapter Co-Leader holisticmomsarlalex (at) gmail (dot) com or 703-785-1099
Our October Moms Night Out is Monday, October 18 and is open to non-members this time because of the nature of the topic. Email holisticmomsarlalex (at) gmail (dot) com to find out if there is still room. Location is in north Del Ray (Alexandria), time is 7:00 p.m.
Ready to try again for another baby? Is it taking longer than expected?
Come learn how acupuncture works for fertility and get answers to your questions. Stephanie Simmons, M.Ac., has an acupuncture practice with a focus on fertility and pregnancy, working with women who are trying to get pregnant either naturally or with ART. She will discuss how Chinese medicine views the menstrual cycle, what to look for that could be the key to your getting pregnant, and give you some suggestions on supplements/herbs that could also help.
Bring your written list of questions with you. Stephanie recommends her clients read "The Infertility Cure" by Randine Lewis, which has a great quiz to see where your system is weak. For more info on Stephanie's practice, see or
Stephanie has invited her friend, Michelle Mitchell of Pure Prana to show us some yoga moves for fertility!
Angela Ferri of Body and Soul Healing Arts may also come to tell us about Maya abdominal therapy, a special type of massage, and show us some bellydancing moves that promote fertility.
Whether you are experiencing secondary infertility or just thinking about trying for a baby, this MNO may offer some rejuvenating and fun ideas!
Space is limited to less than a dozen people, so contact the chapter now!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Daytime meeting! October 1
The time is 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
The purpose of this meeting is generally to gauge interest in daytime meetings and to connect. Visitors are welcome to attend.
This will be a casual meeting with the intent mostly to connect. Based on interest, we can review some of the highlights of our September meeting on natural birth options and our September Moms Night Out on Anti-Inflammatory diet.
Come find out what Holistic Moms is all about!
Directions: Take the Seminary Road EAST exit off 395 and then turn left on Library Lane at the first light and right into the parking lot.
(This is right by the INOVA professional office building with the Kenmore address).
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Birth Options meeting a wonderful gathering
Despite slow traffic on a rainy night, at least 65 people came out to our September 16 meeting on the topic of "Local Options for Natural Birth." Wonderful one-on-one discussions were had at the beginning and end of the meeting as participants talked to and networked with practitioners during open house/meet & greet sessions.
Thank you to Karen Klauss, CNM with Unity Health Care for providing our overview presentation and to the many practitioners who participated in our question and answer session.
Here are the many resources that were represented at our meeting or sent materials:
Birth by Design, LLC
Certified Professional Midwives Peggy Franklin & Kim Pekin
BirthCare and Women’s Health, Certified Nurse Midwives
Birthing Hands of DC, Claudia Booker
Kimberly M. Brooks, Ph.D.
Megan Brown, Mind the Mat Pilates and Yoga
Dr. Lola Capps, DC - Chrysalis Chiropractic
Sarah Pikett Carter, AAHCC
Julie Chris
Angela Ferri, MA, LMT, Body & Soul Healing Arts
Deena Hadar
ICAN of Northern Virginia, Jenn Whittaker
Lakshmi Landa
Manassas Midwifery and Women’s Health Center, Monica Byrne, CNM
Dr. Paula McKenzie, Alexandria WomenCare
Artis Mooney, The Boundless Art of Birthing
Aza Nedhari, Nu Wombyn Maternal Services
Northern Virginia Midwifery, PLLC , Tammi L. McKinley, CPM
Sacred Journey Midwifery, Joey Pascarella, CNM and Laura Simpson, RN NMT
Michele Peterson, Birth Day Your Way
Jeneen Piccuirro (aka Zayla)
Postpartum Support VA
Juli Robbins, CMT(NCBTMB), LMT, DONA, Journey of the Bump
Dr. Jason Rueggeberg, Virginia Family Chiropractic
Jess Sabo, AAHCC
TLCBirthMarilee Pinkleton, CPM
Ten Moons Midwifery Certified Professional Midwives Aimee Fairman & Desiree Cripps
Nikki Williams Bedhead Birth
Yoga, Birth and Beyond
Camilla Yrure, r e v e l birth
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Local Options for Natural Birth meeting September 16
Where are the birth centers? What are local midwife options? How do OBs and hospitals support natural birth, VBAC, etc.?
Which childbirth classes are right for you?
Come to the Arlington/Alexandria chapter of Holistic Moms Network to learn about local birth options and to meet birth care providers including midwives, OBs, doulas, childbirth educators and other practitioners who support women in preparing to birth.
Date/Time: Thursday, September 16, 6:30-9:00 p.m
Location: George Mason Regional Library, 7001 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, Virginia
Note this is a different location than our usual chapter meetings
Children are welcome to attend, but the meeting might be crowded and busy, so plan accordingly.
HMN meetings are always open to members and first-time visitors. This meeting is open to anyone regardless of whether you've attended a meeting before or not. No RSVP required.
- Introductory presentation on DC-area options and general considerations for natural birth by Karen Klauss, CNM, and former board member of Birth Options Alliance
- Q&A with practitioners
- Open house meet & greet with practitioners
If you are a birth-related practitioner who would like to attend and/or to send materials for the info table, please contact the chapter leaders at HolisticMomsArlAlex (at) gmail (dot) com by August 27 with the following information:
- Name
- Profession and Affiliation(s)
- Services provided
- Contact information
For more information about the Arlington/Alexandria chapter of Holistic Moms Network, please:
visit our blog at
email HolisticMomsArlAlex (at) gmail (dot) com
or call Leigha at 703-785-1099
For more information about Holistic Moms Network, a national non-profit organization with over 120 chapters aroundthe U.S. and in Canada, please visit
Yummy August meeting

Lots of people -- and lots of pints! -- turned out for our first ice cream social. So many yummy options to try - ice cream made out of coconut milk, hemp milk, almond milk, soy milk, real cow's milk... It was a lovely evening on the AUMC patio! Thanks to everyone who came out, including so many dads and visitors!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Notes about upcoming meetings - August & September
August 19 is a social meeting all about pleasing our palates and strengthening our community. It's an Ice Cream Social! Please bring a pint of your fave flave (or just something you've been wanting to try out) and a scoop. By no means is this party limited to traditional moo-cow ice cream. There are tons of non-dairy options out there including coconut, almond, hemp, soy, rice, and cashew, not to mention sorbets! You might even find some goat's milk yogurt somewhere. Let's have a variety!
It would also be great if everyone could bring a bowl and a spoon so we can use a minimum of back-up disposable supplies. As always, feel free to bring the kiddos, or leave them home if you don't want them around so much sweet, even if it is agave or honey. Speaking of sweeteners, it would be great to have a discussion about types of sweeteners if anyone wants to bring opinions or info, and I'm sure we all could benefit from swapping stories about how we deal with "treats" with our children.
Weather permitting, this social meeting on August 19 will take place on the patio and front lawn of our regular location, the AUMC church at 716 S. Glebe in Arlington. If it's too hot or raining, we'll be inside.
For the September 16 meeting on local birth options, we will be inviting birth professionals -- midwives, OBs, doulas, childbirth educators, etc. -- to attend for something of an open house (after a short presentation and some group Q&A). We are still working out the details for this event, but because of the large crowd we anticipate, this meeting will be held at a different location: Mason Regional Library at 7001 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA 22003. We will probably open doors at 6:00 or 6:30 to have ample time. More details to come, but please note the location change and that we'll have an earlier start.
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Bellydancing Moms Night Out!
What a lot of fun we had at Zalya's Studio in the Woods for our Bellydancing Moms Night Out! Even though last-minute missing babysitters meant we had a small group, it was great to learn to shimmy together! It was a fabulous workout and a blissful community event all in one, followed by fresh blackberries and apricots our instructor, Jeneen (aka Zalya), had just picked from the farm. We learned about -- and experienced! -- the many benefits of bellydancing and enjoyed playing dress-up with the fun scarves and skirts Jeneen made available to us.
Thanks to Jeneen for hosting us and to her assistants for inspiring us, and thanks to Natalie for organizing such a wonderful event. Even just being in the beautiful woodsy neighborhood felt like a retreat, and I think we'll all be checking out more of Zalya's yoga, bellydancing and art classes for ourselves and for our children!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
July meeting: Intro to Acupuncture
Thanks to Sarah Shupe, L.Ac. of Acupuncture Alexandria and Allison Kitchen, L.Ac., M.Ac., NCCAOM, of DC MindBody who shared with us the basics of acupuncture. Both practitioners work with a variety of conditions, including fertility and women's issues.
We discussed the differences in various acupuncture traditions, talked about what ailments and conditions acupuncture can treat, looked at diagrams and models of the body's energy meridians and answered a whole bunch of questions. We also had a demonstration as Sarah did a mini treatment on HMN co-leader Leigha
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Community Service Options for Holistic Families -- June meeting
Thank you to representatives from Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment (ACE), Volunteer Arlington, and Fairfax Family Services Department for providing us with a number of wonderful ways to get involved in our community! From volunteer opportunities we can do with families to information about ways to get involved with local environmental efforts, we all left with a wealth of information and a bunch of great ideas for giving back to our community. Thanks for an inspiring June meeting!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Inspiring Mother Blessing
Thank you to the organizers of our group mother blessing! Three of our members who are due mid-July to early August were honored at a lovely ceremony hosted by Sharon Stevenson of Yoga, Birth and Beyond. The evening included a centering exercise by Jennifer Moore of Moore than Yoga and the blessing of beads for a birth brac
The evening concluded with pampering (massage and hair decoration) and feasting on berries and muffins.
All three mamas -- and, it seemed, the participants -- left feeling inspired and supported!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Finding our Center: Yoga Meeting in May
Our May meeting was a wonderful night of discussion about finding our center in our yoga practices -- and in our parenting -- followed by practice in two separate demonstration sessions.
Autumn Wilson of Yoga Chai and Pleasance Lowengard Silicki of Lil Omm began the evening with an overview of different yog
After the discussion, Autumn led a class for parents with babies and tots while Stair Calhoun of Little River Yoga led a group of moms in a lovely gentle practice.
Thanks to our speakers for their time (and donations of free classes and some g
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Yoga Night in May
Are you searching for a way to stay healthy and active that fits with your busy schedule as a mom?
Do you want to learn more about the different types of yoga and to figure out which one is best for you?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this meeting is for you! Come join us on Thursday, May 20, 7-9 p.m. at 716 S. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22204 (in AUMC church. Donations for the church's food pantry are always welcome at HMN meetings. HMN is not affiliated with any church and appreciates the use of AUMC's space).
Autumn Wilson of Yoga Chai and Pleasance Lowengard Silicki of Lil Omm will begin the evening with a presentation and discussion of different yoga styles, yoga's connection to parenting, and many of the benefits of practicing yoga.
After the discussion we will have two separate opportunities to practice yoga: A Moms/Dads & Tots Practice led by Autumn Wilson and a Gentle Adults-Only Practice lead by Stair Calhoun of Little River Yoga.
Bring a mat or towel to this meeting.
HMN meetings are open to members and first-time visitors. Children are always welcome. Come see what we're about!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Creating a Children's Garden - Moms Night Out
We enjoyed a lovely evening at Nature by Design, a family-owned nursery in Alexandria, with a discussion led by Lisa Caprioglio of Aldertree Garden. A former Montessori teacher, Lisa gave us some wonderful ideas about how to create a magical space for our children. One idea was to create a circle of plants that will grow tall to create an enclosed space proportional to the child's size. We also discussed edibles and a number of other ideas for taking advantage of children's natural sense of wonder using native plants.
Thanks to Natalie for organizing, to Lisa for coming all the way from Takoma Park, and to Nature by Design for hosting us on a beautiful evening! We all walked away with lots of ideas, some of us with a few plants, and everyone having enjoyed the transition through twilight to darkness under a lovely crescent moon. How inspiring!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
"Local Food" presentation inspires!
We had an amazing turnout for our April meeting on "Local Food: Farms and Markets." Thank you to all of our speakers who traveled so far to be part of our meeting! Christy Przystawik and Chef Tom Przystawik, Food Matters Restaurant; Becky and Lawrence Latane, Blenheim Organic Farm/Gardens; Laurie Smith and Mark Reinhardt, Local Flavor Farm Buyer's Club; and Nancy Pritchard, Smith Meadows
Thank you also to all the businesses that sent materials for our information table, to AUMC for hosting us, as always (even though we spilled out of the meeting room with such a large crowd!), and to all of the wonderful businesses that donated refreshments and prizes for our event. The food was enjoyed by all, and at the end of the night, we gave away plants, restaurant gift certificates, and plenty of other goodies!
Notes will be available to members soon, and resources can be emailed upon request to holisticmomsarlalex (at) gmail (dot) com. We have links to local resources as well as a lists of farmers markets, CSA opportunities, and sources of pasture-raised meat/milk.
Thanks to the following businesses that donated to this event:
Blenheim Organic Gardens, Elevation Burger, Equinox, Food Matters, Grounded Coffee, MOMs Organic Market, Nood Food Café, Nourish Market (Kennedy’s Natural Foods), The Organic Butcher of McLean, Polyface Farms, Potomac Massage Training Institute, Pork Barrel BBQ, Restaurant Eve, Smith Meadows Farm, St. Elmo’s Coffee Pub
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
HMN at Joint American Homeopathic Conference
Our chapter helped staff the HMN booth at the recent Joint American Homeopathic Conference, sponsored in part by one of the HMN's National sponsors, the National Center for Homeopathy. Two of our members got to attend part of the conference, and boy, was there a lot to learn! And so many wonderful peop
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Exciting "Local Food" Meeting in April!
Our speakers will also address issues of policy that affect local farmers and explain the costs, joys, and challenges of sustainable farming.
If you've been looking for ways to make your food dollars support local businesses, get this event on your calendar!
Doors open at 6:30, so come early to peruse the info and enjoy some refreshments. The presentation will start promptly at 7:00 and will feature representatives from
- Blenheim Organic Farm
- Food Matters Restaurant
- The Local Flavor Farm Buyer's Club
- Smith Meadows Farms
The meeting will be held at our regular location, 716 S. Glebe Rd. Arlington, VA 22204. (Thank you to AUMC for donating space.) Children are welcome to attend
Monday, March 22, 2010
Organic Gardening meeting
Thanks for the great information, Mitch!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Green Living Expo a great success!
On March 20, our chapter and the Northern Virginia chapter worked in the Kids' Area of the Green Living Expo, sponsored by Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment. We helped children make collages, caterpillars and shakers using natural and recycled materials. Thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help!
At the end of the day, Autumn Wilson of YogaChai did a family yoga demonstration that was enjoyed by all. Autumn is a mom of three and will be one of the speakers at our May 20 Yoga Night meeting.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Join HMN at the ACE Green Living Expo
The Expo will feature vendors on the topics of Energy Conservation, eco-friendly commuting, healthy homes, and sustainable living.
Location: NRECA building, 4301 Wilson Blvd in Arlington (near Ballston Metro and on bus routes. The building’s garage (access on Taylor St.) be open only until 12 noon (exit anytime). If arriving after 12, Ballston Mall across the street is the best bet for parking.
In the Kids’ Area 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.:
-Native flower seed planting
-Natural and recycled crafts with Holistic Moms Network and Potomac Crescent Waldorf School
-Eco-themed games led by Arlington Regional Master Naturalists
-Long Branch Nature Center naturalist discussion/display on habitat and critters (10 a.m.-1 p.m. only)
3:15 in the Kids’ Area: Yoga Demonstration led by YogaChai of DC
Also of interest to kids: bike maintenance demos, tours of the “Little Green House” built by students at Arlington’s Career Center, and an “Energy Cycle” that measures human activity in relation to the power required for tools and machines.
Also at the Expo: Exhibitors and vendors on a wide variety of green topics, seminars, snacks for sale from Whole Foods Market, raffle items.
Hope to see you there!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Organic Gardening in March
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
March Moms Night Out - Learning about Polyface Farm
Sunday, February 28, 2010
HMN supports Arlington Children and Nature Network
Several HMN members came out to support the new Arlington Children and Nature Network (CANN), which launched on February 24 at an opening event at Campbell Elementary School. Holistic Moms Network Arlington/Alexandria chapter signed on as a supporter of this importan