Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Holiday Social this week!
Bring whatever yummy treat you'd like, but please label with all ingredients for those with restrictions or sensitivities. And bringing your own dish & silverware will cut down on our waste.
New this year:
If you have a fun item that is not getting fully optimized use at your home, consider bringing it along for a white elephant gift exchange.
Food pantry and children's clothing (and diaper) donations for our host church are always welcome.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Learn about Integrative Family Medicine
Looking to add tools to your toolbox for treating common ailments?
Or just curious to learn more about more comprehensive approaches to medical treatment?
Please join us on Thursday, November 17 for our monthly meeting, where guest speaker Dr. Marie Steinmetz – founder of Steinmetz Medical Associates and long-time believer in looking at the whole picture when treating patients -- will discuss an integrative approach to family medicine and answer your questions.
Holistic Moms Network Arlington/Alexandria Chapter July Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2011
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Location: 716 S. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA, 22204 (in Arlington United Methodist Church)
Children are always welcome. HMN meetings are open to members and first-time visitors. Come see what we're about!
(RSVPs are helpful but not required. jessicahmnarlalex (at) gmail (dot) com )
Holistic Moms Network is not affiliated with any church. However, we do appreciate the generosity of AUMC in hosting our meetings and encourage members and visitors to bring donations of non-perishable food for the church's food pantry, which serves the homeless population in Arlington.
Directions: AUMC is on S. Glebe between S. 7th and S. 8th St., a few blocks north of Columbia Pike, on the west side of the street. Enter the church parking lot from S. Glebe or from S. 7th St. where there is a traffic light (on the north side of church).
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
October meeting to discuss parenting styles
What does it mean to identify with certain styles of parenting?
Let's talk about various approaches, including, but not limited to:
- attachment parenting
- conscious parenting
- playful parenting
- positive parenting
- simplicity parenting
- mindful parenting
- compassionate parenting
We can also incorporate ideas about schooling, feeding, toileting and whatever else comes up. Let's share our passions and learn from each other in a non-judgmental environment.
Special note to community members in the fields of parenting education and counseling:
You are welcome to join to contribute to the discussion. We'd love to hear from you. However, we are not seeking speakers for the evening, and solicitation is prohibited. We will have a place for displaying materials for people to peruse at their leisure, but please refrain from promoting any services during the meeting.
If you are a parenting expert, therapist or other related professional and you are interested in joining in the meeting or sending resources ahead, please contact Jessica at jessicahmnarlalex (at) gmail (dot) com.
As usual, the meeting is 7-9 p.m. at AUMC, 716 S. Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22204.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Traditional Diets in September

For any members who missed the presentation or who just want to discuss further, Jessica will be hosting a recap discussion at a playgroup on Friday, October 14, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Email jessicahmnarlalex (at) gmail (dot) com to RSVP and for the address.
Thursday, September 8, 2011

We had another wonderful motherblessing earlier this month honoring two mamas. One this past week had a "peaceful and joyous" homebirth and that the "support and warm thoughts" shared during the evening helped that happen. How great to hear!
No matter what the birth plan, we love to honor and pamper mothers as they near such big life transition.
A motherblessing is a special way to honor a woman on her journey to motherhood or to becoming a mom of two, or three, or whatever is next! When we pause to take stock of where we are and where we're headed, we can honor our role as mothers and all our other roles. Our chapter has held motherblessings in groups and for individuals. It's a great way to share our experience and help the mothers feel pow

Thanks to Kristine for these great photos from our July motherblessing honoring three mamas. It was so nice to hear about their birth and postpartum plans, to share fears and joys, and to just celebrate the amazing work our bodies do to grow new little beings!

Congratulations to all three women on the birth of their baby boys!
And here are a few photos of our September motherblessing at which we had another three pregnant women in attendance, the next in line! If you are a member and are expecting, please make sure the leaders know so that we can plan to honor you!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Talking about Traditional Diets: September meeting
What connections between health and nutrition did pioneering dentist Weston A. Price find when he traveled the world in the 1920s, and how can we benefit from what he learned?
What is so great about raw milk?
How come obesity rates started rising when low-fat diets came on the scene?
What are healthy fats and why do we (and our children, especially) need them in our diets?
These questions and more will be addressed by “Hartke Is Online!” Real Food blogger and Weston A. Price Foundation publicist Kimberly Hartke at our September 15 meeting. Hope to see you there!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Oh, the food! Amazing August potluck

What an amazing array of delicious food we had at our August social potluck! It was wonderful to get a chance to chat over dinner and to see each other's kiddos in rare form. Counting kids, we had over 50 friends in attendance! Thanks to everyone who came out and who cooked. What an inspiring spread among such enjoyable company!

Our next social/potluck meeting will be December 15.
Thanks for these photos goes to Kristan and Arjuna, new chapt

Monday, August 15, 2011
August Moms Night Out - Chinese Brush painting

Thanks to Genevieve Lynn of Jade River Studio for leading us in a creative evening of Chinese brush painting for our August Moms Night Out.
How nice to create beauty together!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Summer and fall meetings announced
September's presentation is the final in our series of food-related presentations in 2010-11. On September 15, Kimberly Hartke, Real Food blogger and publicist for the Weston A. Price Foundation, will explain how traditional diets worked and what their benefits are. Weston A. Price was a dentist who traveled the world in the 1920s and found commonalities among groups of people who had good dental, mental and physical health -- and who eschewed processed foods. Learn what else he found and how to use this information to support your family's health at our September meeting.
In October, we're excited about a member-led discussion of parenting styles. Keeping in mind that no one size fits all, we could all stand to learn what works for other people. Some of us identify as "attachment" parents, others as "mindful" parents or "simplicity parents." Some follow books that espouse "positive discipline" or "unconditional parenting" while others utilize reward system and have more structured ideas about behavior expectations. Some of us are influenced by Waldorf or Montessori education traditions and value a certain kind of order in our home life while others are more free-wheeling. On October 20, let's bring some of our favorite books, our insights, and our questions for a lively conversation about what works or might work for our families.
On November 17, we will learn about Integrative Family Medicine from a representative from Steinmetz Medical Associates. What does it mean to have a holistic, integrative approach to healthcare for your family?
In December, we will enjoy another social evening. Details to come, but we're thinking we'll combine a low-key discussion of holistic holiday celebrations with some kind of white elephant exchange and a potluck on December 15.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Veggin' in July!

Thanks to Jennifer Reilly for talking to us about vegetarian and vegan diets at our July meeting. Jen, a dietician and mostly vegan mom of three, began her presentation by making us a yummy green smoothie with spinach, kale, coconut milk, and a bunch of fruits.
The diversity in the room was wide, from one omnivorous member who said she couldn't imagine a meal without meat to a vegetarian member who said she had a hard time conceiving of meat as a food. And plenty of visitors seeking a supportive community. We all enjoyed the presentation and learned from the discussion.
Monday, July 4, 2011
July meeting: Vegetarian, Vegan and Macrobiotic Diets
Do you want to learn more about how to use diet to fight cancer?
Join us on July 21 when The Cancer Project senior nutritionist Jennifer K. Reilly, L.D., R.D. will present to our group.
As always, children are welcome to attend. See the sidebar at right for directions to AUMC. Meetings are always 7-9 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Massage meeting in June
Thank you to Brenda Teal of The Teal Center for Therapeutic Bodywork for a great meeting in June. Brenda brought a whole panel of folks to talk to us about a variety of hands-on healing modalities, including craniosacral therapy, lymphatic drainage, and acupuncture. She also described what different types of massages feel like and what they are good for.
One lucky member will be enjoying the door prize of a free massage soon. Thank you, Brenda and all the other practitioners who shared the evening with us!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
June meeting: Massage for health!
Join us for a talk by Brenda Teal of The Teal Center for Therapeutic Bodywork (located in Ballston and at Virginia Hospital Center). Brenda will provide an overview of different types of massage, discuss what is effective for which kinds of issues, and explain how massage is part of a holistic approach to wellness.
Date: Thursday, June 16, 2011
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Location: 716 S. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA, 22204 (in Arlington United Methodist Church)
HMN meetings are open to members and first-time visitors. Children are always welcome. Come see what we're about!
(RSVPs are helpful but not required. holisticmomsarlalex (at) gmail (dot) com )
The Arlington/Alexandria chapter of the Holistic Moms Network is not affiliated with any church. However, we do appreciate the generosity of AUMC in hosting our meetings and encourage members and visitors to bring donations of non-perishable food for the church's food pantry, which serves the homeless population in Arlington.
Directions: AUMC is on S. Glebe between S. 7th and S. 8th St., a few blocks north of Columbia Pike, on the west side of the street. Enter the church parking lot from S. Glebe or from S. 7th St. where there is a traffic light (on the north side of church).
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Homeopathy in May
Thank you for teaching us and for providing such great handouts!

Friday, April 29, 2011
Getting clean from the inside: raw, seasonal and cleansing diets
Thanks to Leigha for the guacamole and to Anita for the raw cookies and to Michelle for the door prize of a consultation/cleanse support.
Did we mention that Michelle brought her nine-week-old son? Congratulations to this new mama!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Raw Food, Seasonal Eating, and Cleansing Diets in April
Come join us for part two in our 2011 food/diet series: "Raw, Seasonal and Cleansing Diets." Our April meeting will focus on how to give your body a boost with raw foods, a seasonal diet, and
Anita Capizzi, with the Raw Food Institute, will discuss the philosophy and
details behind a diet focused on raw food.
Michelle Pfennighaus, certified health coach, will discuss seasonal eating and
cover cleansing/detoxing options and diets based on whole, seasonal food as well
as overcoming diet/commitment obstacles.
7-9 pm on Thursday, April 21 at the Arlington
United Methodist Church - 716 S. Glebe Road, Arlington, VA, 22204*
Meetings are open to members and first-time visitors to our chapter. Children
are always welcome to attend.
*HMN is not affiliated with any church, but our chapter’s host church does accept donations of items for its food pantry.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Getting fit! Moms Night Out
Thanks to Megan Brown of Mind the Mat for teaching us how to get and stay fit before, during and after pregnancy at our great Moms Night Out. Thanks also to member Nina Elliot for hosting us at her Health and Wholeness studio!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Green Cleaning on St. Patrick's Day!
What does "Green Cleaning" mean?
What are the concerns about chemicals from cleaners and other harsh substances in our homes?
How can we reduce our exposure to toxins in the home?
This St. Patrick's day, get your Green on with Holistic Moms!
Learn about the big picture of what it means to have a clean, green, toxin-free home.
We will also discuss alternatives to commercial products and inspire us with the simplicity of homemade products, including a demo.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Learning about food sensitivities and allergies
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
February meeting to discuss "Allergy Elimination"
Chronic conditions and disease can often be linked to a sensitivity that can be addressed without medication through "allergy elimination."
On February 17, Dr. Venus Seleme of Seleme Chiropractic Wellness Center will describe this healing modality.
Her talk will describe how to "deactivate" allergens and open up energy meridians to heal the body and mind.
For more information on allergy elimination, see
and Dr. Seleme's site,
If you or your children seem to have any sensitivities -- be it to certain foods, additives, fragrances, pollen -- or any other chronic conditions you can't seem to fix, consider coming to hear this talk. This modality stopped one chapter leader from turning beet red if she had even a sip of wine, and it rid her of seasonal (spring) allergies she'd treated with a variety of medications for years.
Dr. Seleme plans to focus on addressing the following with regard to food allergies:
Where do food allergies begin?
Genetics vs. Environments
Is something you are eating passing through your breastmilk?
Differences between true allergies and allergy sensitivities
Different test for allergies (RAST, IGG, Skin prick) vs. muscle testing. What do they tell us?
What is muscle testing?
How we use the concepts of Applied Kinesiology with allergy treatment
The most common allergens and all the components of these specific foods
Protein reaction symptom vs. sugar/preservative symptom
Cross reactivity within food groups, ie grasses and the wheat family
How NAET works with a demonstration.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Making our own beauty products: MNO
What a fun Moms Night Out! Thanks to Natalie for organizing and to Amy Fromm of Interlaken Soak Company for teaching us about ingredi
Thanks to everyone for coming out and to St. Elmo's Coffee Pub for hosting!
Members: look forward to our MNO on Reiki on February 8 at Food Matters!
Monday, January 24, 2011
"Special Diets" talk sheds light on diets and community
If anyone attending our January meeting had ever felt alone in his or her quest to eat well on a restricted
Cheryl discussed about the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) in addition to a more general talk about why people have problems with gluten, dairy and other foods and how to get tested. In this interactive talk, Cheryl combined research, personal experience and clinical wisdom.
Thank you to Cheryl for taking the time to share this information with us, for bringing so many wonderful books, and for donating a free gluten-free living class!
We also wish to thank the following businesses for their donations of door prizes:
Melissa Diane Smith, author of Going Against the Grain for a copy of her new book, Gluten Free Throughout the Year
Nancy Tringali Piho, author of My Two-Year-Old Eats Octopus, for a copy of her book
Mary Rand Hess, author of The Day I Met the Nuts for a copy of this children’s book (about discovering and living with food allergies)
Choices by Shawn restaurant for a $25 gift certificate (including many gluten-free choices)
Monica Corrado of Simply Being Well for a bean and grain chart and two essential oil misters.
Jessica Haney, founder and co-leader of the chapter, for a copy of Healthier Without Wheat by Dr. Stephen Wangen
And a special thanks also to all the people who brought yummy snacks to this meeting:
Marybeth, Sylvia (those delicious GF brownies!), Leigha, and Christy (homemade red sauerkraut!)
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Arlington/Alexandria Chapter turns two!
Happy Birthday to our chapter! We are two years old!
The Arlington/Alexandria Chapter of Holistic Moms Network was launched January 22, 2009. Thank you to all the attendees of our January 2011 meeting for commemorating this anniversary. Pictured here is founder and co-leader Jessica Haney holding her lovely gift of tulips with co-leader Leigha S.(holding the delicious gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, sugar-free cake she made!) and new co-leader (in process) Mary H.
Thank you all for your service, thanks to the many volunteers who have kept the chapter going, and thanks to Michelle D., who just completed her year as co-leader.
Friday, January 7, 2011
January meeting 1/20: Special Diets
- Why do people go gluten-free or dairy-free?
- What is the latest research on food allergies and sensitivities?
- How do you know you or your children might have food sensitivities?
- What is celiac disease vs. gluten intolerance? Casein intolerance vs. lactose intolerance?
- How can conditions like ADD/ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and sensory processing disorders be influenced by the food we eat?
On January 20, Cheryl Harris of Harris Whole Health will address these questions and in an interactive talk. Come learn about the whys behind special diets of all kinds and some of the hows, including the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet.
Holistic Moms Network Arlington/Alexandria Meeting
Special Diets: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free and more
Thursday, January 20
7-9 p.m.
716 S. Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22204 in AUMC church*
Meetings are open to members and first-time visitors to our chapter. Children are always welcome to attend
*HMN is not affiliated with any church, but our host church does accept donations of items for its food pantry.