Would you like to know how can tapping on certain acupressure points can help clear you of emotional blockages, improve your mood, or even alleviate pain or addiction?
Are you curious about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a meridian tapping technique?
Want to try EFT but not sure how it works or if you can do it yourself?
Wondering what kind of issues (ADD, depression, eating disorders, etc.) with which EFT can help you and your family? (Hint: it’s all of these and more!)
Please join the Arlington/Alexandria Chapter of Holistic Moms Network on Thursday, February 16 for its monthly meeting, where guest speaker Jan Steele, JD, MSW -- a licensed clinical social worker offering therapy and coaching for empowerment and change -- will introduce EFT and discuss its many benefits. She will also provide a demonstration. The meeting is 7-9 p.m.
Note: Although children are always welcome at meetings, participants will likely benefit more if they have their hands free for this meeting.
Click here for an informational video and demo about EFT.

Please note: These links are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended as endorsements for these businesses.